Lightning Network node implementation in Go
Implemented by Lightning Labs
lightningnetwork/lnd: Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
lnd/docs at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
Lightning Network node implementation in Go
Implemented by Lightning Labs
lightningnetwork/lnd: Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
lnd/docs at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
BOLT4 に新しく追加されたメッセージングのための spec
bolts/ at master · lightning/bolts
Rusty の PR
BOLT 7: Onion message support (features 38/39) by rustyrussell · Pull Request #759 · lightning/bolts
from LND
systemd configs
lnd/contrib/init/lnd.service at v0.18.5-beta · lightningnetwork/lnd
lnd/ at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
Configuration file for LND
lnd/sample-lnd.conf at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
#bitcoin payment processor
BTCPay Server
General Chat - BTCPay Server BTCPay Server
[NBXplorer is stuck at sync · Issue #185 · btcpayserver/btcpayserver-docker https:/
LND には db のオプションが複数ある
複数の LND instance が同じ DB にアクセスするのはよくないみたい
LND の wallet 関連の設定について
Wallet Management - Builder's Guide
lnd/ at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
LND の debug やトラブルシューティングに役立つ情報
How to specify loglevel to LND?
General severity is required, and then spacify subsystem level
Create LN channels by Taproot.
extension-bolt: simple taproot channels (feature 80/81) by Roasbeef · Pull Request #995 · lightning/bolts
LND already following this spec?
cli for LND
lncli -n testnet getinfo
network は環境変数 LNCLI_NETWORK
lncli create
lncli listunspent
LND have multiple server state.
GetState | Lightning Labs API Reference
We have to wait that LND be SERVER_ACTIVE
state before calling API.
LDK を使って、LND に LN Onion messaging の機能を入れる試み
Install LND
carla さんのブランチを使うのが良さそう
Task: Update README installation instructions · Issue #44 · carlaKC/lndk
BIP157 BIP158
Lightning Labs のメンバーが中心
A spec to improve Light Client implementation
Wallet は UTXOs の変化をモニタリングする必要がある
Wallet が unlock できる UTXOs が、wallet の残高を意味する
There are cli, gRPC, REST
LND | Lightning Labs API Reference
vulnerabilities of LND
Denial-of-service bugs in LND's channel update gossip handling - Implementation - Delving Bitcoin
Channel object in LND
How to manage channels in LND
channel inactive とはどういう状態?
おそらく channel の peer に接続できていないということだと思う
LN channel open in LND
First Steps With LND - Builder's Guide
Lightning Labs maintains LND and bunch of other products/toolings
lightninglabs/lndinit: cloud infra tooling for lnd provisioning/unlocking
lightninglabs/lightning-terminal: Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity
Channel close type or reason in LND
lnd/channeldb/channel.go at v0.17.0-beta · lightningnetwork/lnd
Used in SubscribeChannelEvents RPC
LN node operation のうちとくに LND の運用に関わる検討
Clustering の方法
lnd/docs/ at master · lightningnetwork/lnd
リーダーノードと read only ノードが存在する
from Lightning Network
Core Lightning by Blockstream
formerly c-lighntning
lnd by Lightning Labs
Implement wallet using LDK Rust
Building a Node with LDK in Rust | Lightning Dev Kit Documentation
Sample node
lightningdevkit/ldk-sample: Sample node implementation using LDK
LDK の a sample LDK node を Polar で立てた LN node とつなげてみたりする
lnd から ldk に対してチャネルをあけるときに以下のエラーが生じる場合があったのでメモ
EVENT: Channel 18eed08873a6b06ad8b1f65661efb58b9a80fd0f5dc0e9bee1676f2844bb7714 closed due to: ProcessingError { err: "dust_limit_satoshis (573) is greater than the implementation limit (546)" }
Errors by LND and the way to resolve
error creating wallet config: unable to unlock macaroon: invalid password